Game Developer Tasks

As a game developer, your main job is to take what the designers have created, whether it be a model, art, or a general idea for something and place it into the game world using your programming tools. You are required to program how fast the character moves, how much damage enemies do, how much health you have, and everything in between. Depending on your role or the game, you may be asked to program less important things, while others work on the big points. Some may work on level design, others may work on how an enemy behaves, others may work on how high you can jump, but it all depends on the game. After finishing your code, it may be sent to game testers or quality assurance teams so they can test and try to find the game's limits, and purposefully break the game so you can revise your work, then when the tester cannot find another bug, you are finished with your coding. After that process, your code will be sent into the final retail product.


Two people working on a game. One is playing, the other is looking at the code for any bugs. Image source